Sunday, 3 November 2013

Most interesting TV commercials

The first TV commercial that i thought was quite interesting is Grey inc.'s commercial for NX cinemas. They used an offbeat way of showing the product while carrying a narrative throughout the commercial. It starts with a lady walking to the cinema hall and then looks closer at a movie poster when she hears a knock. When she does that however, the visuals seem to look so real that she screamed and ran to the cinema. Inside, its depicted that she continues being scared because of the quality of NX cinemas and how their visuals seem life like.

The selling proposition was definitely there as well was had a relation to consumers and what they would like. Grey inc.'s commercial was also interesting from the beginning. Audiences would be wondering what the commercial was going to be about and why the lady looked closer to the poster. All in all it was a solid idea with decent execution that made the commercial interesting.

G6's commercial started off with one friend calling another asking who he was walking with after he had saw him with a girl. After finding out that it was his friend's new girlfriend, he starts to ask how he got one so fast. The friend continues to explain how the app "rhythmis" helped him "meet new people" through the sharing of his music. The commercial itself was particularly interesting because it has a continuous storyline and narrative to it. Other than that, it was a smart move that the commercial also used demonstrations as it was briefly shown how the app worked.

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