Title: Ideas change the world
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
Prospects: people who want to listen to inspiring ideas.
Prospects: people who want to listen to inspiring ideas.
Product: inspiring ideas.
There are many problems in life, and people get together on TED to talk about solving it or presenting a solution.
There are many problems in life, and people get together on TED to talk about solving it or presenting a solution.
Problem: With better online presence, TED hopes to educate and spread great ideas to the people.
John Lennon is one of the most well known figure who represented peace. The TED gains a peaceful image by associating this popular figure with TED.
TED is also likened as a factory that changes the perspective of the listeners.
TED is also likened as a factory that changes the perspective of the listeners.
Title: Get
The Respect You Deserve
People who don't wear or haven't own a pair of spectacles
Product:Cogmark glasses
People who don't wear glasses, don't get treated seriously.
1. The
image is universally understandable. A woman with and without a pair of
glasses. They use the 'before and after'
2. They
also make use of a stereotype. People with glasses look smarter, and therefore,
people think they are harder to charm compared to those without glasses.
Tone: Light
A targeted print advertisement from a magazine:
Title: We can make you straight
Sponsor: Virtual Advertising
Prospects:People who read LGBT magazines
Product: Dental Care
1. The placement of the message in a LGBT magazine makes fun of the pun 'We can make you straight' which is slightly controversial, which might attract them to read further, upon closer inspection they will realize it was referring to their teeth, not their sexual orientation.
2.The lack of visuals put more emphasis on the copy.
Written by Wong Li Yee (Lily)
All images used in this post were sourced from http://adsoftheworld.com/
All images used in this post were sourced from http://adsoftheworld.com/